Best of both worlds!”Savannah is great! And so is her unique, custom tailored services in exploring new career avenues and exploring healing through her awesome body work. Highly recommended!!”
Consistently transformative sessions! ”I first saw Savannah 3 years ago for about 5 months. I was a new mom and unhappy with my career decisions. Seeing her really helped to calm and ground me, and also to trust my own intuition about my next steps. I came back to see her recently and have found the same consistently transformative feedback and guidance. Seeing Savannah, I believe in the power of coaching to help me live the way I want to live my life. Every time, I feel more centered and confident about where I am going.”
You should really call Savannah today…”Savannah is simply the best. She listens with compassion, humor and intelligence, and helps you come to your own conclusions. She has a real gift for cutting through the confusion and extraneous information. You leave a session with incredible clarity and energy for moving forward. I can’t recommend her highly enough.”
So blessed! ”I’ve known Savannah for over 14 years. She guided me back from postpartum depression after the birth of my daughter many years ago and recently I have sought life coaching from her. Empathetic, kind and intelligent – I feel “heard” and understood for the first time in years. Her metaphors, humor and guidance have lifted me from a place of old, toxic patterns. She is, without question, the most emotionally gifted and empathetic human I have been fortunate enough to have in my life.”
Savannah is my champion! “Savannah is supportive in such an intuitive, nurturing and non-invasive way. Her consistent ways of checking in and sharing insight helps me to feel grounded and supported in trying out new ways of integrating with the world around me. I feel heard and seen and understood. I am thankful for her way of holding me accountable to living my authentic life.”
Wise Intuitive Experience With Practical Solutions! “Working with Savannah has been a rich and wonderful experience. She immediately grasps what is important and hones in on it, even things I might have written off or not paid attention to. Her experience and resources helped me navigate a particularly challenging situation quickly and easily, saving me a lot of time and stress. My view of what is possible has expanded to include parts of myself and my life that I had forgotten about or given up on, and now I have a plan for how to get there.”
Last month as the school year was winding down, my nine-year-old son made a clear and urgent request: "Not too much summer camp." He was compelling in his argument for more time to just relax, play in the neighborhood, have no plans. "Going to camp is like going to school...they make you do things on a [...]
In life and career coaching, we have an important tool that I will simply call Consciousness. The more aware and clear we are about the perceptions, patterns, personal choices, values and belief systems that are impacting a client's life, the more we can create lasting change. I graduated from one of the top coaching schools, IPEC, over [...]
One of the things that I love best about life coaching is the way the inquiry process shines the light of awareness into our habits, shadowed feelings and needs and distorted ways of thinking. I came across this very helpful list of the different ways our brains distort our reality. Here is my own interpretation of each [...]
Many clients come to life coaching hoping to break a painful, restrictive cycle in their lives. The context is varied, from relationships to career to personal habits, but the problem is often the same. They are stuck on a repeat cycle that says something like: "I always attract people into my life who are unavailable...I can't ever [...]
A couple of years ago, I completed a two-year intensive training in Hakomi Therapy with the META Institute. The most recent research in neurobiology shows that mindfulness-based therapy is very effective for long term sustainable change. My life and career coaching clients come to me for one primary reason: They are ready for Change! This recent article [...]
In my experience with my coaching clients, myself and other humans, I have discovered that the misalignment between WORD (what I say I want) and ACTION (what I do about it) comes from one of the following issues: I don’t really want what I SAY I want. Instead, I am operating on an assumption about what I [...]
Most of the clients that come my way for life coaching are longing for more clarity. They have a nagging sense that something is missing but aren't sure what it is. Or, they feel certain about what they want, but don't know how to manifest it. Sometimes, they just feel an overall sense of confusion about their [...]
Sometimes clients are surprised by how much we laugh during coaching sessions! I have discovered that a playful and curious attitude toward even the trickiest problems helps to engage the creative and intuitive parts of the brain. Albert Einstein once said, "Play is the highest form of research." My clients are smart, conscious individuals who would "logic" [...]
Happy Halloween! Today as the kiddos don their super hero, zombie and cowpoke costumes, I invite you to consider the costumes that you wear every day of your life. One thing I have learned about us humans (and yes, that includes me) is that we hide our fears and darkest feelings behind the superficial mask that we [...]
There is a simple yet profound attitude shift that can make all the difference in how you feel about yourself as you focus on achieving your goals. As a recovering perfectionist (is there a 12 step group for us?), I have experienced great relief in shifting my mindset from "be good" to "get better." Photo by [...]
Take a moment right now and ask yourself this question: "What kind of thoughts have I had today?" Have your thoughts been sprinkled with gratitude, enlivened with possibilities and creative in solving problems? Or, did you get mired in worry, self-doubt and negativity today? If you notice that you have been focusing more on the 1/2 empty [...]
To begin 2012, I have a simple question for you: Who do you want to be this year? You, like everyone else I have met through my life coaching practice, have many different selves inside. You might have a worried self that tends to agonize about money and a jaded self that feels skeptical about [...]
In my life coaching work with women, I am regularly faced with the honor and challenge of helping clients mitigate the negative impacts of perfectionism. One of my primary tools for working with clients who are highly self-critical is self-compassion. An article this week on MSNBC describes recent research showing self-compassion to be much more [...]
I had the privilege of being interviewed by fellow Life Coach Amy Pearson this week! Please listen to this short interview on self-nurture! I know that you will be inspired by the idea of making self-care more simple and reasonable in your life! Also, I have a new coaching column in Portland Woman Magazine! "Get a life [...]
Many of my clients suffer from what I call the “perfection trap.” This sneaky pit is easy to fall into when you are trying too hard to do everything just right. When you over-worry about failure or looking bad, you back yourself right into the devious clutches of “it’s never good enough” – and never done. What [...]