Wise Intuitive Experience With Practical Solutions! “Working with Savannah has been a rich and wonderful experience. She immediately grasps what is important and hones in on it, even things I might have written off or not paid attention to. Her experience and resources helped me navigate a particularly challenging situation quickly and easily, saving me a lot of time and stress. My view of what is possible has expanded to include parts of myself and my life that I had forgotten about or given up on, and now I have a plan for how to get there.”

L.V. Artist, Your Content Goes Here

So blessed! ”I’ve known Savannah for over 14 years. She guided me back from postpartum depression after the birth of my daughter many years ago and recently I have sought life coaching from her. Empathetic, kind and intelligent – I feel “heard” and understood for the first time in years. Her metaphors, humor and guidance have lifted me from a place of old, toxic patterns. She is, without question, the most emotionally gifted and empathetic human I have been fortunate enough to have in my life.”

L.J. Educator, Mother, Your Content Goes Here

You should really call Savannah today…”Savannah is simply the best. She listens with compassion, humor and intelligence, and helps you come to your own conclusions. She has a real gift for cutting through the confusion and extraneous information. You leave a session with incredible clarity and energy for moving forward. I can’t recommend her highly enough.”

J.W. Artist, Business owner, Your Content Goes Here

Consistently transformative sessions! ”I first saw Savannah 3 years ago for about 5 months. I was a new mom and unhappy with my career decisions. Seeing her really helped to calm and ground me, and also to trust my own intuition about my next steps. I came back to see her recently and have found the same consistently transformative feedback and guidance. Seeing Savannah, I believe in the power of coaching to help me live the way I want to live my life. Every time, I feel more centered and confident about where I am going.”

A.Q., Health Coach, Your Content Goes Here

Best of both worlds!”Savannah is great! And so is her unique, custom tailored services in exploring new career avenues and exploring healing through her awesome body work. Highly recommended!!”

C.F., Mama, Entreprenuer, Your Content Goes Here

Savannah is my champion! “Savannah is supportive in such an intuitive, nurturing and non-invasive way. Her consistent ways of checking in and sharing insight helps me to feel grounded and supported in trying out new ways of integrating with the world around me. I feel heard and seen and understood. I am thankful for her way of holding me accountable to living my authentic life.”

A.M., Artist, Your Content Goes Here
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    Here we are, my friends, officially in 2025. I hope it has been, thus far for you, a time of re-gathering, re-grounding, and rejuvenating. I invite you to take good care of yourselves this coming year; you are the source of all your power, and that requires nourishment! What might that look like for you? Does it [...]

  • hands formed together with red heart paint

    Dear friends, here we are. After all the build up, predictions, shouting and polls, we are now post-election, 2024. As tired as we all may be, I think it’s worth it to take a moment and allow that reality to sink in. We are facing a new era, and that leaves us with a question: what now? [...]

  • red green and yellow round stone

    Exciting news, friends! I’m so happy to share with you that I’m in the process of formulating a new project that I’m calling The Black Sheep Society. Starting in January, The Black Sheep Society will be an ongoing, monthly, group coaching project aimed to support women/female identified/non-binary folk who feel like the black sheep in their family, [...]

  • close up photography of rainbow rays on eye

    Last week I wrote a blog post on my other website (you can find it here), and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about a quote I used from Jesuit priest and psychotherapist, Anthony de Mello: “Look for things in them that you might have missed because of familiarity, for familiarity breeds staleness, blindness, and boredom. [...]

  • rule of thirds photography of pink and white lotus flower floating on body of water

    Hello, dear friends, and happy September to you! Does this time of year find you in the throes of back-to-school? Are you freshly back from travels? Or perhaps the shift out of summer simply means a continuation of your work, whatever work that may be? No matter what your situation, I hope you find yourself in a [...]

  • man standing in the middle of woods

    Well, dear friends, here we are at the beginning of August 2024, and it’s not new news to anyone that our political future is in a state of deep uncertainty. I mean, really, we’re steeped in this reality, and it’s awfully hard to get away from it. In that sense I apologize for bringing it up here, [...]

  • two person holding papercut heart

    Happy (almost) summer, dear people! What lies ahead for you over the next few months? Adventure? Running around with the kids? Knuckling down and getting some goals met? It’s funny how the summer often seems like such a special, encapsulated time. For so many of us, the work day is still the work day, no matter what [...]

  • Dear clients and friends, I want to introduce you to my colleague Megan Liebmann and her individual and group healing offerings at Amethyst and Rose. I love supporting other practitioners who, like me, take a whole-person and community-minded approach to their work. In this time of the Great Turning,  we must see health through a wider lens that includes all beings and the [...]

  • One thing I have learned from working intimately with humans over the past 10 plus years is that we are always changing and growing. It can be an uncomfortable, confusing process (which is why I have a job) and it can be incredibly liberating as well, especially if we do everything we can to embrace, rather than [...]

  • Happy Winter Solstice! As this has been a dark couple of weeks for our country, I invite us to chose the light of love, clarity and peace.               Every kind word you speak or action you take, every time you let go of judging yourself and others and each moment you [...]

  • What if there was one simple action you could take that had the ability to shift your feeling state almost instantly? What if you could have an anxiety-lessening tool that is at your disposal any moment of the day, no matter what you were doing? What if you could feel better, right this minute? Lucky for you [...]

  • One theme I hear regularly in coaching sessions with women is "I just don't feel like I am (fill in the blank) enough..."  I sit across from women who are bright, talented, and loving but they can't quite see themselves. Sure, they are human and have messy edges (like we all do) but they regularly define their [...]

  • I am delighted to be participating in the 2012 Portland Mama Makeover! This will be my third year as the Life Coach for the winning mama and it has been an enriching and inspiring experience. I can't wait to meet the winner! The deadline for entry is March 16th so please encourage any Portland-area mama that you [...]

  • I had such an amazing experience last year as the Life Coach for the 2010 winner of the Portland Mama Makeover, Andrea Moore! She inspired me with her courage, her authenticity and dedication to healing. The Portland Mama Makeover is a holistic, from the inside-out, makeover for one lucky mama each year. There are also mini-makeovers for [...]

  • One of the (many) reasons that life coaching works is the focus on what is already going well. When clients are ready to make important changes in their lives, I often turn their attention to what is already working for them. In other words,  gratitude. It can be easy to focus on problems. The big brick wall [...]