If you could dial up your eight-year-old self, what would she tell you is missing in your life right now? Who was that little kid and just where did she go? Carl Jung once said: “What did you do as a child that made the hours pass like minutes? Therein lies the key to your earthly pursuits.”

Photo by Rolfe Kolbe, shared via Flickr
Many of my life and career coaching clients say things like: “I just don’t know who I really am.” or “It’s been so long since I have done anything just for me…I don’t even know what a I enjoy.”
I can promise you that unless you had a very traumatic childhood, which I know some of us did, your eight-year-old would never wonder who she really is or forget what she enjoys. I know that adult life is complicated and I am not underestimated the burdens that you carry. But, I am asking you to spend more time being playful, being open and being curious. Just like that little kid self. Cause, I promise you that will lead you to more clarity and insights than “working hard” does!
Brief..direct…but really beautiful insights…you must be able to know what it was like to be an 8 year old open, curious, and playful and this will lead to more clarity than hard work does-this is tops!!!