One of the most satisfying experiences that I have in my work as a life coach is to witness a client coming into clarity and alignment with their own sacredness. The other day, during a conversation with a potential client, I was told: “I know why you are a life coach! Because life is precious and it needs tending.” YES, oh yes!

When I get to sit with an individual as they realize the absolute perfection of their own essence, even while living an imperfect human existence, I feel overwhelmed with gratitude.

Madrone Tree

By Brewbooks, shared via Flickr


This snippet of a poem by Roethke speaks to witnessing the sacred self beautifully:

Near the rose, in this grove of sun-parched,
wind-warped madrones
Among the half-dead trees,
I came upon the true ease of myself,
As if another person appeared out of the depths of my being,
And I stood outside myself,
Beyond becoming and perishing.
A something wholly other,
As if I swayed out on the wildest wave alive,
And yet was still.
And I rejoiced in being what I was.

From “The Rose” by Theodore Roethke