Positive change, one tiny (purposeful) step at a time!
How many times have you wanted to change something in yourself or in your life but were overwhelmed at even the thought of such a [...]
How many times have you wanted to change something in yourself or in your life but were overwhelmed at even the thought of such a [...]
Happy New Year! 2010 not only ushers in a new year, it is also the beginning of a new decade. 2009 was a rough year [...]
My last post on the obstacles to being present generated several questions from my regular readers about what they can do to begin to practice [...]
Often clients come to me with the goal of being more present in their lives. They have a sense of precious moments passing them by, [...]
As a personal coach for women, I often have clients arrive in my office when they are ready for change. Usually the impetus for change [...]
I see it every week: A woman comes into my office with a vague sense of discontent. Her life is going fairly well but something [...]
Did you do the self-limiting beliefs exercise in Part I? If so, what did you learn about the thoughts that limit you and keep you [...]
I often work with women entrepreneurs who identify closely with their businesses. They want their business to match their values, represent the best aspects of [...]
As a client was leaving my office last week, she turned to me and said: "Savannah, you are a brain organizer." I looked puzzled for [...]
I am reading a very thought-provoking book right now. Flux: Women on Sex, Work, Love, Kids, and Life in a Half-Changed World by Peggy Orenstein [...]