Dear friends, here we are. After all the build up, predictions, shouting and polls, we are now post-election, 2024. As tired as we all may be, I think it’s worth it to take a moment and allow that reality to sink in. We are facing a new era, and that leaves us with a question: what now?

I’m not going to assume that I know how you voted, nor is it any of my business. I’m also not going to assume that everyone who reads this post voted the same way or is having the same reaction to the results. What I am going to assume is that we’re all humans with hopes and fears, and that there are many, varied answers to the question of “what now?”

Since the election, I’ve heard a lot of suggestions to connect with community, find support and moments of joy, or to mobilize into action. These ideas are great, and I support them in just about any situation. For me, frankly, it’s going to take me a minute to get to the point of action of any sort. I just need a minute to process my feelings and find my footing so that I know that my actions are coming from my highest integrity.

This, too, I support in just about any situation. 

Process your feelings and find your footing, then proceed from your place of highest integrity.

When asked, “what now?” we can’t know the answer until we know where we stand, and we can’t know where we stand until we know what we’re feeling and what we’re telling ourselves. Obviously, different emotional and mental situations direct us toward different actions. Some actions are supportive and helpful, some actions can be painful and destructive. 

So. I invite you to take a moment. Before you do anything else, send yourself some love and some intention for the well-being you deserve. Nope, I’m not being new-age or cheesy here, this is an ancient idea based on the notion that when we have internal well-being, we act from a place of greater wisdom. Buddhists call this practice Metta.

woman in black tank top and black pantsFor a secular explanation of Metta, you can click to this article.

For a more Buddhist example, check out this guided meditation from Tara Brach.

Metta practice also includes sending well-wishing to others, even those who feel like enemies. There is good reason for this practice, but if you’re not ready to send well-wishes to everyone, that’s totally fine. Send it to yourself, and mean it. Start with yourself, just like the oxygen masks on an airplane. Then I recommend that you send it to people you love, whomever they may be. It’s powerful.

Take time for this, then do it again later. Do it often, as many times and for as long as needed. Do it a lot.

Then see if you can name your feelings. Or perhaps your tsunami of feelings. Keep breathing. Don’t argue with the feelings, just name them. Let them rise and fall and morph and change.

After that, see if you can make a choice: which feelings do you want to act from? What feelings do you want to put in charge of your actions? All the feelings will be there, either way, but if you can intentionally put the most beneficial one in the driver’s seat, there’s a better chance of acting from that place of highest integrity.

Do this often, as well. Any time you’re about to dive into action, check and see what feelings are driving it. My dearest hope for you is that this helps you feel proud of every action, empowered by your sense of worthiness, and like you are truly, truly, walking your talk. When the question is “what now?” make tending to yourself the first step.

And if it would be helpful to have support and guidance around this, please don’t hesitate to contact me. You’re very welcome to email me at [email protected], or if you want to talk, schedule a complimentary 20 minute consultation. And if you are in the LGBTQIA+ community or have a trans or non-binary child, please head over to my other website, I’m here to help.

May we all experience well being in our hearts. May we all know safety and love. May we all look after ourselves and each other with ease and joy.