Connect to your inner healer
Dear clients and friends, I want to introduce you to my colleague Megan Liebmann and her individual and group healing offerings at Amethyst and Rose. I love supporting [...]
Dear clients and friends, I want to introduce you to my colleague Megan Liebmann and her individual and group healing offerings at Amethyst and Rose. I love supporting [...]
Its the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice! This is a time of celebrating the growth of all that you [...]
Happy first day of Spring! The energy of blooming trees and warmer weather can be invigorating, calling us into action. It is time to plant [...]
I just finished reading the wise bell hooks and her elegant take on love in "all about love, new visions." As the month of February [...]
In yoga class today (my favorite embodiment practice), the teacher told a simple but important story. She was hiking in the woods with her young [...]
Have you heard the teaching tale of the of the two frogs who fell in the butter churn? One gave up, seeing no reason to fight, [...]
When I get a new life or career coaching client who's primary goal is time management, a big red flag immediately begins to wave for [...]
Most life and career coaching clients come to work with me focused on life purpose and self development. We all have unique, individual journeys that call us to [...]
Most life and career coaching clients come to me because they want to solve a problem. They are willing to pay for expert support because [...]
As a life coach for women, the month of January always brings the conversation of New Years Intentions. I prefer the word intention to resolution [...]